IDPs camp monitoring report

Northern Syria Edition 25

Some changes have taken place within camps this month. Whereas, several camps were established
within Al Rahma and Al Karama clusters, Atma Cluster has witnessed some changes in camp structure as well. From the beginning of the month, Ebad Al Rahman camp and Al Baraa camp were merged under the name Al Baraa Camp. As well as, Al Fath Al Ziara Camp joined Atfalona Tonashedokom and Al Bayan camps, Al Resala and Al Ihsan1 camps merged within Atma Cluster, but the new camp is not stable so far.
The names of some camps have also been changed. Turkish Red Crescent Camp was renamed as Al
Amal Camp within Atma Cluster. Saeduna Camp was renamed as Atfalona Tonashedokom. Um Al Kora Camp was renamed as Qafelat Al Rahma within Atma Cluster too.
ACU enumerators have faced some difficulties in getting data from information sources, because IDPs’ needs were not met. It is worth mentioning that many tents have burnt within Ikhaa, Kadeemoon, Qafelat Al Rahma and Shouhada Abdeen camps without casualities. However, the affected families were not provided with new tents.
Assistance Coordination Unit enumerators could not enter Al Khames and Al Jabal camps within Jarablus Cluster because of the imposed ban by the Islamic State (ISIL). There is no management in the two camps and there are no medical points or schools there. The activities of international and local organizations have stopped since ISIL forces controlled the city. It is important to mention that Teiba Charity has built a mosque at Al Aasi Camp within Al Rahma Cluster.

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