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Is it my right to report?

Yes, you have the right to report any incident you witnessed, whether you were directly involved or just an observer. If you believe the incident constitutes a violation of the Assistance Coordination Unit's policies, threatens the safety of others, or could negatively impact the organization or beneficiaries, it is essential to report it. All reports will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be investigated seriously to ensure appropriate measures are taken to protect all parties involved.

When should you report?

The Assistance Coordination Unit relies on the honesty and integrity of all its personnel. Every individual in the unit is required to act in accordance with professional conduct rules and other approved policies, whether they are part of the management, employees, board members, contractors, or volunteers. If you become aware of any unethical behavior or actions that could endanger children, beneficiaries, or employees, you should report it to your direct supervisor. However, if you are unable to speak with your supervisor or fear retaliation, please contact the integrity and protection helpline for assistance.

What should be reported?

You can report allegations of misconduct by employees or agents of the Assistance Coordination Unit. This includes behaviors that constitute:

Observations or

Any issues or matters that you may notice that negatively affect the workflow or the safety of individuals. Observations can be information about a particular subject that requires our attention.


All forms of abuse of power for personal gain or illicit benefit. This can include bribery, embezzlement, misuse of resources, or collusion with external parties to achieve personal interests at the expense of the organization.

Safeguarding Issues:

Everything related to ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals the organization serves, especially vulnerable groups such as children and women. These issues may include physical or psychological abuse, exploitation, neglect, or harassment

How to report?

If you suspect that someone is involved in or has been a victim of misconduct related to the Assistance Coordination Unit's projects, please report it directly through the available channels: