IDPs camp monitoring report

Northern Syria Edition 14

During September, there were a couple of successive unfortunate events that led to forming more
random camps and overloaded the already existing camps. A new exodus took place between 13
and 15 September out of rural Hama due to the heavy bombardment and the fierce battles in the
district. More than 2035 households were displaced from 6 villages in rural Hama to Idleb’s camps;
particularly Atma, Al Karama and Al Rahma Clusters that were over-crowded.
Another exodus took place in Saraqeb City towards the neighbouring villages due to the heavy nonstopping air raids during the whole month. More than 3000 households were displaced to the
neighbouring villages. Some families are living in random camps and others in informal settlements,
while 400 families are living in the open. However, our enumerators could not reach those camps to
get any information.
A total of 130 camps in 10 camp clusters were assessed during September 2014.

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