Schools in Northern Syria camps

Edition 3

The Information Management Unit of the Assistance Coordination Unit issues a report about the situation of the educational process in the schools of northern Syria camps on an annual basis, aiming to obtain comprehensive information on the reality of education and schools there, changes, developments, and challenges that arise as a result of the ongoing war through surveys which include, in this third edition of the report, perception surveys of students, parents, teachers, and school principals to reflect the educational situation from different perspectives. For the first time, the camps in northeastern Syria are covered in the report, that is Deir-ez-Zor, Al-Hasakeh, Ar-Raqqa governorates, in addition to the eastern countryside of Damascus. For the purpose of this study, the enumerators of the Information Management Unit visited 598 camps outside the regime’s control areas, of which 462 camps that do not contain schools, as schools are only found within 136 camps, and most of which suffer from a shortage of supplies and school equipment. The report includes 9 sections: methodology, general information, school buildings, water, sanitation and hygiene in the schools, school supplies, educational levels and curriculum, students,

psychological support and children with disabilities, teachers, in addition to priorities and recommendations.

The Assistance Coordination Unit hopes that this report will form a clear picture of the reality of the educational process in the northern Syria camps and that it will help the donors and supporting countries better make decisions by highlighting the most acute needs that need to be secured and the shortages and gaps that must be filled in order to improve the educational process in the northern Syria camps.

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