This Euphrates Shield Area DYANO report addresses the general situation in the geographical zone, which has been given that name after the military operation carried out over that territory. The report covers three districts: A’zaz, Jarblur, and Al Bab, which incorporate eight sub-districts, including: Aghtrin, A’zaz, Al Bab, Ar-Ra’ee, Ghandorah, Jarablus, Suran, and Mare’. This besides its engulfing the camps exiting in the said geographical zone.
The report sheds lights in details on prevailing conditions and the needs the residents in the said areas as well as the IDPs are in want for during the months of May and June 2017. The report is divided into two parts: the districts and the camps. The former section of the report looks into the demography, food security, health, water, sanitation, education, shelter, non-food items, infrastructure and the priorities of each of the said sectors. The second part somewhat similarly discusses demography, food security, health, water, sanitation, education, shelter, non-food items and those sectors’ priorities.