Winter needs in Northern Syria camps

IDPs in Northern Syria camps suffer from bad living conditions especially with the advent of winter season. On the other hand, the increased IDPs’ numbers make the provided aid by humanitarian organizations insufficient and does not cover all IDPs’ needs. It is worth noting that late humanitarian response and delay in sending emergency materials delayed the humanitarian Implementation of winter projects and negatively affected IDPs. Twenty-one camps flooded at Atma and Al Karama clusters where large number of tents and rooms flooded, and ten tents were torn in Al Hadeel camp. In addition, heavy rain formed water ponds which caused difficulties in movement in Al Zouhour2 camp and sewage overflowed within four camps between 31/10/2016 and 2/11/2016. Information Management Unit of the Assistance Coordination Unit has prepared a study on the most important IDPs’ needs for winter season in 170 camps within 8 different clusters in Northern Syria. This study aims to strengthen the decision making capacity of aid actors responding to IDPs crisis and provide humanitarian aid that meets all the needs. The total number of displaced families within assessed camps amounted 30906 (173795 IDPs) 57% of them are children.

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