September, 2021 Bakeries in Northern Syria Bread is the most important component of the Syrian diet, as most of the population relies on it for the three daily meals.
September, 2017 BAKERIES IN NORTHERN SYRIA -V3 The consumption of bread increases during times of crisis, as the shortage of other food items is compensated by increasing b
November, 2015 Bakeries in Syria The Syrian crisis is in the middle of its fifth year, and no close end is visible until the moment.
November, 2015 Bakeries in Syria The Information Management Unit (IMU) of the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) conducted the second assessment report
December, 2014 Bakeries in Syria As the crisis continues, humanitarian needs inside Syria are increasing across all sectors.
March, 2025 Private: Schools in Northern Syria Camps The 7th edition of the thematic report “Schools in Northern Syria Camps” delves into the state of the education sector within