IDPs camp monitoring report

Northern Syria Edition 16

Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) launched the 16th edition of its monthly IDP Camp Monitoring
assessment. The assessment was conducted to assess the IDPs living conditions in camps during
November 2014.
There was no significant displacement during November due to the cold weather and the low
intensity on some frontlines. There was a slight decrease in IDP numbers (660 IDPs) who most likely
moved out of Jarablus camps into Turkey. Some IDPs moved from Bab Al Salameh Camp into new
camps (Bab Al Eman and Sijjo) which were organised by the Turkish NGO I.H.H. However, the
number of camps in Atma Cluster increased from 39 to 41 because of the split of some camps
forming new ones with new administration. Al Karama Cluster had a new camp as well.

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